Hong Kong & China 2016

Grandmaster Ip Chun and Master Tse and students

I have taken students to China and Hong Kong many times, to visit my teachers, and each time is always challenging. This time I took 44 students. Originally it was meant to be 46, but at the last moment, Tor and Nina were not able to make it and this was a pity as it would have been even more fun if they had been around.

All of the people, who joined the trip, came from different places, had had different backgrounds and had different natures. Some found it easy to follow and some found it difficult because we are all used to our own ways. However, whenever we go to visit my teacher, who is either their Sigong or Tai Sigong, they need to behave well, otherwise it reflects badly on me. I have a very good relationship with my teacher, Sifu Ip Chun and I do not want anything to jeopardise it. So when we go there are certain rules. The most important rule is to follow my instructions and then the trip will go smoothly and most importantly, no one gets hurt or gets into trouble.

The trip went very well and all the students got to meet their Sigong/Tai Sigong and had a photo with him. He is 92 years old and is a good role model for all of them to follow his Wing Chun path. They also had many chanced to Chi Sau not just within our group of 44 people, but also when we visited Chen Dong Hau 陳東華 Wing Chun School in Foshan, Ip Kwong Chu 葉廣超 School in Hong Kong and also Grandmaster Ip Chun’s School in Hong Kong. This was a great result for all of them and we made many friends.

Click here to read about the students experiences.

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